Getting Clear January 30, 2015 12:00
Absolute clarity is one of God's grandest attributes. For you to have it too will require a crystal clear intention — a lifelong commitment of your spirit, mind and body — your feelings, thoughts and actions — constantly working to dislodge and discard all beliefs that block clarity’s light. Every time you employ discipline and dedication, you will be getting closer to God at a conscious level.
Every aspirant on a spiritual path goes through the phase of not being able to tell for sure when the ego is dominating. But your not knowing says it loud and clear — the ego is still in charge. Yes, even though knowing is your natural state, you still sometimes depend on your ego for answers it is incapable of providing. You see, since the ego can never communicate with Spirit, it will always insist that it is you who is the incapable one. When it does that, doubt begins to creep in and you stray away from being the deliberate creator that you so want to be.
The universe rests upon the Divine Principles of Clarity and Love, which form the light grid through which Spirit travels. These two principles allow the Divine to be omnipresent. The good news is that you can hitch a ride with Spirit if you elect to abstain from your earthly bad habits and make that abstinence part of your routine.
I will tell you this: You have gotten and are getting exactly what you have intended. With whatever degree of clarity you have had, you have intended. Even if someone does not make a choice, still a choice is made — the choice to remain complacent. Thus do the patterns of sameness evolve — by one’s unaware intentions.
The simple fact is that, conscious of it or not, you are the producer and director of your own movie, and any sad or unfinished scene in it will only become more difficult to wrap if you do not take responsibility for its content. Is your life playing out the way you want it to? If not, the only way to get it to go the way you truly desire is to do the work necessary and get clear about it. That is the crux of it — no more, no less. Neither good nor bad. Your life is the movie you make.
For those who accept and apply the wisdom of this simple truth, life will get easier and more fulfilling. For those who do not, trouble will remain. Either way, everyone will go on creating. And either way, you will all get what you want.
Down the Rabbit Hole January 29, 2015 12:00
From the time I was a little boy, I’ve had an unquenchable curiosity about God, the universe and my role in the grand scheme of things. But my thirst for answers only seemed to leave more questions floating around in my head than answers – so many, in fact, that after a while my head began to hurt!
In my late twenties/early thirties (after I became somewhat more aware of what I thought I might be), I felt I was ready to take all my big questions deeper by using a variety of meditation techniques. This I did, but to no avail; no satisfactory answers came to me.
One morning (by this time I was in my late thirties), I was doing what I’d done many, many times before – something I called my rabbit hole meditation. That’s where I’d go deeper and deeper into the what seemed like a labyrinth, and continually check to see if there was an undiscovered treasure behind any of the closed doors I came across.
Lo' and behold, on that day – the day I finally got the answer I was looking for – my meditation went something like this:
“Hmmm . . . I wonder if any of those answers I’m looking for lie behind this door?” But when I opened it, nothing. On to the next one I went.
“Hmmm…I wonder if I’ll find it behind this door?” Nothing there. On to the next one I went, over and over again. Still, I found nothing.
Then, just as I extended my hand towards the next door, something dawned on me.
“All this time, I haven’t changed my routine one bit. Maybe I should do something different, but what? Hey, I know!"
So, instead of reaching for the doorknob, I decided to knock on the door itself. But just before I did, doubt crept in, “How am I going to get an answer that way? Oh well, I might as well try it."
And then, at my touch, the door turned to gold and opened on its own! I started to freak out and jump up and down like a kid in a candy store. But what I saw inside was – nothing!
“I was so hoping that this door would be the one! After all these years of searching, how can this be? I give up!” The very next moment, “it” happened.
A small, but infinitely wise Voice said to me, “Keith, every door you’ve ever opened has held your answer.”
“How is that? They all had nothing for me.” I moaned.
“Yes, you are correct, My Friend! Nothing.”
“But how can “nothing” be the answer?”
“Because it is!”
“Then tell me,” I asked sarcastically, “what do I do with nothing and how can no answer help me in my life?”
“Keith, ask me that question again.”
“How can no answer help me with my life?”
“Ask again.” said the Voice.
“Do you want me to beg?”
"No, just ask once more.”
“Maybe you’re just not capable of providing me with an answer!” I said in utter frustration.
“I am very capable,” said the patient Wisdom.
”But you still haven’t given me anything!”
“Yes, I have, Keith.”
“No, you’ve given me no answer at all.”
“Now you’ve got it!”
“Got what? The answer? How can no answer be the answer? Oh, my God, that’s it! There are no answers!”
“Keith, there are no answers. Questions are designed to create a search, which really just puts you in a position to receive the truth of who you are, and who you are is Infinite Potential. If you need an answer to feel complete, then I will provide you with one – your life is what you make of it. Now go and live your best life!”
After this story, you must be wondering what kind of questions had I been asking myself all those years. Here are the four questions that helped my life unfold:
“Where did I come from?”
You came from God and one day you shall consciously return. Even though you appear to be “here,” a part of you (your Higher Self) is still “there,” co-orchestrating your life. But for you to create your best life, you have to go within and figure what you need to do to be “in the spirit” all the time.
“Why am I here?”
When I was told in my meditation that there were no answers to anything, I understood that the only reason I’m “here” is to live the best life possible and, to do that, I must continue to live my passion. There can be no other reason. If God is Love, then it makes sense to me that when I do what I love, I’m walking the path. I was fortunate to come to this realization early on in my adult life.
“Who am I?”
This question, which is probably the biggest one in the batch, took me a while to “get” and accept. Let’s examine it closely. If you come from God and will one day consciously return, who are you now? If God is the beginning and the end and you’re in the middle of all that, who are you? If God is omnipresent (present in all places at all times), who are you? Point to yourself. Point to God. At your essence, that is (the truth of) Who you are. I know this kind of talk may cause some people to back away in fear. That’s because they don’t understand the Laws of the Spirit and the Laws of Physics. It can be tough sometimes for people to see their own Greatness. One has to come to that realization on his or her own. What helped me was to see that all God really is, is the Collective Love that created everything and I am not separate from that. If I were, I could not exist.
“Where am I going?”
Wherever you want! The choices are infinite. But if you ever want to “get” where you are wanting to go, you must first understand where you come from, why are you here and who you are. Only then will you be prepared to get where you are going!
The Zone January 28, 2015 12:00
An area or region
set apart from its surroundings
by some characteristic.
It seems that, no matter how that word’s used, everyone’s looking for a way to get into the zone and stay there.
Even Rod Serling recognized the magic of it and created some of his most amazing stories around it.
But what is it really?
Here’s my question: What makes this place – THE ZONE — so special?
It’s no coincidence that the uprights on a football field are called the goal and that they are located in the end zone (in zone)! Football players lift weights, eat right and do whatever it takes to reach that place because that’s where the magic happens.
And if you watch someone who’s serious about their billiard playing, you’ll notice they’re very quiet when they’re “playing” the game. They are so involved with the process that they don’t gloat when they make a brilliant shot, for doing that would only take them out of the zone and they know it!
Race car drivers know they must shift into the zone where they’re able to hear their own intuition tell them how to weave in, out and around their competitors so they can cross the finish line (goal) before anyone else. And the best do it with such precision that they become one with the car they are driving.
All musicians who’ve ever played live know that the zone’s where the creative spirit spontaneously and simultaneously brings a musical idea through without rehearsal. As a musician, I can tell you that’s why we try to get “there” — so we can play from that space all night long. Even though everyone’s playing their own instrument, we somehow become the collective instrument of a higher idea. No one’s trying to make things fit but when we fall into it, our audience notices a tightness and feels a power in the performance. That’s where the magic happens!
If you look closely at dancers who are in the zone, either on stage or in a club, they seem to be like children at play — swirling and twirling with their eyes closed, “lost” in a world where nothing affects them.
Someone taking a test in school or college isn’t necessarily trying to remember what they’ve studied; they are looking for the zone where information comes to them effortlessly.
Those who are considered stars in the world of pornography pride themselves on being able to plunge into a sexual zone on cue. Matter of fact, most people, whether pros or amateurs, use the tool of “dirty talk” to throw themselves into an even deeper state of arousal — because that’s where the magic happens!
Every religion references the zone, whether they call it Nirvana, Higher Self or by one of God’s many names. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s all the same Zone. Let me assure you that mystics, monks and others who’ve dedicated their lives to a spiritual discipline don’t have a monopoly on the zone. They just know what to do and how to do it.
And now, so will you! All you need is intention, focus, concentration and commitment — the desire to be something “Greater” than what you may think is you — and you’re ready to go.
Think that you don’t know how to get into it? Well, that’s why I’ve written The Divine Principle: Anchoring Heaven On Earth — to let you know that everyone, even you, can find the zone where your own magic happens!
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