Getting Clear January 30, 2015 12:00
Absolute clarity is one of God's grandest attributes. For you to have it too will require a crystal clear intention — a lifelong commitment of your spirit, mind and body — your feelings, thoughts and actions — constantly working to dislodge and discard all beliefs that block clarity’s light. Every time you employ discipline and dedication, you will be getting closer to God at a conscious level.
Every aspirant on a spiritual path goes through the phase of not being able to tell for sure when the ego is dominating. But your not knowing says it loud and clear — the ego is still in charge. Yes, even though knowing is your natural state, you still sometimes depend on your ego for answers it is incapable of providing. You see, since the ego can never communicate with Spirit, it will always insist that it is you who is the incapable one. When it does that, doubt begins to creep in and you stray away from being the deliberate creator that you so want to be.
The universe rests upon the Divine Principles of Clarity and Love, which form the light grid through which Spirit travels. These two principles allow the Divine to be omnipresent. The good news is that you can hitch a ride with Spirit if you elect to abstain from your earthly bad habits and make that abstinence part of your routine.
I will tell you this: You have gotten and are getting exactly what you have intended. With whatever degree of clarity you have had, you have intended. Even if someone does not make a choice, still a choice is made — the choice to remain complacent. Thus do the patterns of sameness evolve — by one’s unaware intentions.
The simple fact is that, conscious of it or not, you are the producer and director of your own movie, and any sad or unfinished scene in it will only become more difficult to wrap if you do not take responsibility for its content. Is your life playing out the way you want it to? If not, the only way to get it to go the way you truly desire is to do the work necessary and get clear about it. That is the crux of it — no more, no less. Neither good nor bad. Your life is the movie you make.
For those who accept and apply the wisdom of this simple truth, life will get easier and more fulfilling. For those who do not, trouble will remain. Either way, everyone will go on creating. And either way, you will all get what you want.